Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Printable Birthday Cards

Who wants DEGLOBALIZZATE Wagner Ants in March

Who wants DEGLOBALIZZATE Wagner Why are we talking about? On the occasion of the forthcoming bicentenary of his birth in 1813, the Teatro alla Scala and the Staatsoper Unter Den Linden (temporarily transferred to the Schiller Theatre, for renovation) are carrying out an ambitious project: a new Ring of the Nibelung work to be carried out per year (to be performed both in Milan and Berlin) and reproduce in full in 2013 as the Scala at the Staatsoper .
The musical direction is entrusted to a big stick, that Daniel Barenboim, already in the early nineties, produced a good ring, the drama club and stage a very "trendy" the Toneelhuis of Antwerp, led by Guy Cassiers ( sets and lights are designed by Enrico Bagnoli, costumes by Tim Van Steenbergen.) So far in Milan are considering the first two operas of the tetralogy: "prologue" in the primordial world of gods, giants and dwarfs (The Rhinegold), and "first day" (The Valkyrie) which descend to the ground and with which he inaugurated La Scala season 2010-2011.

are staged in Berlin in March. The dramatic reading on the installation stage and the Italian critics took a different attitude than the German and French. Indeed, there are different sensitivities. The Italian opera houses (and thus the audience and critics) tend, rightly or wrongly, to be more traditional than those of other countries. Also, not everyone appreciates the time taken, sometimes chamber, the speech more than tight, but sometimes bandieristici, some of our own Conductor. There
, However, a point that deserves to be discussed. The project directors - referred to in the program notes of The Rhinegold are devoted some 50 pages - is based on an assumption at least questionable and somewhat 'antiquated: the Wagnerian Nibelungen saga is read as a class struggle against the submissive globalization of capitalism. Wagner is not only a "Globalist" iperglobalizzato, but he loved the luxury, especially at the expense of others, from the clothes in fine silks and velvets in large apartment buildings (often never soldered). It was the opposite of a black block. Instead, he kept away from people who dressed and smelled bad. Without doubt, in The Ring is a strong idea of \u200b\u200bpalingenesis but from the world of the old Germanic a quello umano, anzi troppo umano. Fortunatamente, in Valchiria il polveroso assunto proto marxista di Cassiers si è avvertito, grazie a Barenboim, molto meno che ne L´Oro del Reno. Vedremo cosa c´è in serbo per la terza puntata, Sigfrido.


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