Monday, January 31, 2011

North American Female Average Bmi

the benefits of '

a particular month is January, which will almost imperceptibly, the days begin to lengthen, will be the effect of New Year's good intentions, the fact is that invariably there is an increase in enrollment in the gym, who has already written back to attend the brave to run out and feel the cold more than dusting off the bike.
Unfortunately this wave of activity passes soon, the weight room of the gym back to a more pleasant rest, exercise bike back to be used as a coat rack, pace of guilt.

We try to improve the motivation with a little 'knowledge of : know why you do something to help keep objectives.
  1. First, the ' human being is programmed to move ! Our ancestors were in constant motion, able to run for hours, to walk for days carrying heavy weights, and their health was enviable. While the environment in which we live is totally unrecognizable from that time far away, our genetic code is almost identical . To return to health and physical strength dei nostri antenati dobbiamo utilizzare la nostra splendida macchina corpo .  Bando dunque all'ascensore, per fare un esempio.
  2. Chi si muove, chi fa sport ha una massa muscolare molto maggiore di chi rimane fermo .  Oltre all’ovvio vantaggio di avere maggiore forza , i più sportivi tra noi possono mangiare di più senza ingrassare: i muscoli, a parità di peso “consumano” molto più dell’adipe, e rappresentano uno “spazio magazzino” maggiore dove stoccare quei carboidrati in più che ci piace consumare.
  3. Fare sport aiuta a mantenere attivo il metabolismo . An hour of aerobic activity does not consume many calories and then (to dispose of only 1 kg of fat we should run for 24 hours below), but increases metabolism for the next 2 days ; if we least 1h activities at least 3 times a week we can keep your metabolism higher so constant. What does this mean? It will be easier to maintain weight, and easier to lose, thanks to increased muscle mass that will accomplish over time.
And what about the prevention of osteoporosis?
The list of benefits goes on: anti-aging, immune enhancement, improvement cognitive ...
For further exploration, stay tuned!


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