No diet!
Who wants to go on a diet raise your hand.
Many people are saddened at the thought.
The diet should not be deprived , but for many people the association with negative thoughts is very strong. And in this case, our subconscious will do everything possible to sabotage our best wishes to follow a diet!
Starting from this idea I have developed a method to lose weight in a gradual and effective ... and without dieting.
How does it work?
The overweight generally its origins in a series of bad habits perpetuated over time. An example? Most of the Italians skip breakfast or consume more than a coffee and some cookies, or pastries at the bar.
Well, there worst way to start the day, would be like going on a long trip without refueling the car, shortly after the engine stops! Sugars "fast" after an initial stimulus make us feel even worse than before , and by mid morning almost everyone is ready for a snack ... possibly even sugar. And so on.
Who you recognize it?
course is just the beginning, our days of attacks continue in a sussegguirsi to our health: eat sandwiches on the PC keyboard, skipped meals, or too heavy, midnight snacks ...
The personal medical history and diet can identify errors and determine together how to improve their habits, one step at a time.
Council from the simplest things, even to change old habits. The gradual path and the need for "accountability" someone to support the likelihood of success . The
is gradual weight loss, certainly, but it is always accompanied by a improve well-being, and self-esteem: all glad to get into something!
Sometimes, after an initial period of "re-education food" may be useful to follow a diet for a period in the formal sense, to consolidate the acquired habits and make them even more structured.
In short, everyone follows his own path. No wonder the site is called "nutrition tailor!
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