A balanced weight management can not swing between extremes, "I eat whatever I want" or "I adapt to the diet, in infinite loops. E 'must change habits, to engage, but this must not be traumatic. Also because it would be useless can not continue long something unpleasant, we all know. how to lose weight in a healthy and natural without charges, waivers laborious, complicated diets?
My mission is to use my knowledge in the field of nutrition for help each one find the best solution . For some, maybe it will be the classic daily diet, while others will be more appropriate to a location "soft" I call no diet or the Zone Diet, or even what I consider the evolution of the area, namely the metabolic typing.
Whatever solution you choose, you'll be the center, and there is always attention to your problems, your needs, preferences, difficulties. And you can change your mind at any time, and change "diet."
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