Friday, November 26, 2010

Denise Milani's Big Breasts


Some people consider a diet restriction, and those who find it reassuring and because it is easier to think about. A diet should be very personal but , must satisfy the tastes of everyone, customs, and be feasible: useless provide elaborate recipes when you only have a 10 minutes for lunch!
order to meet their all you can choose the type of diet: a daily or weekly. For the diet there is a whole area dedicated blog.

The DAILY how the diet is "classic" with the precise allocation of food every day for 28 days . Are always given two alternatives for each food, and every week there is the shopping list to facilitate the organization of the diet. At the end is also a description of each food and how to prepare, so the diet can be followed even by those who do not have much experience in the kitchen. See an example )

mode WEEKLY is a diet choice Wizard provides a weekly schema that indicates the type of meals for each day of the week, and a more detailed description for each day that explains which foods use and in what quantity, with many choices. This mode is la più adatta per chi vuole avere maggiore libertà di scelta e ha poco tempo . Può essere un utile schema per chi soffre di intolleranze alimentari, ma in questo caso è bene associare la consulenza diretta.  La dieta settimanale si presta anche ad un’elaborazione abbastanza vicina ai canoni della dieta zona . Vedi un esempio )

Quanto ci vuole?
Cerco sempre di rispondere in tempi rapidi, in ordine di arrivo.  A volte potresti ricevere la dieta il giorno stesso, mentre nelle stagioni più "calde" ci potrebbe volere almeno una settimana. 

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No diet!

Who wants to go on a diet raise your hand.
Many people are saddened at the thought.
The diet should not be deprived , but for many people the association with negative thoughts is very strong. And in this case, our subconscious will do everything possible to sabotage our best wishes to follow a diet!
Starting from this idea I have developed a method to lose weight in a gradual and effective ... and without dieting.
How does it work?

The overweight generally its origins in a series of bad habits perpetuated over time. An example? Most of the Italians skip breakfast or consume more than a coffee and some cookies, or pastries at the bar.
Well, there worst way to start the day, would be like going on a long trip without refueling the car, shortly after the engine stops! Sugars "fast" after an initial stimulus make us feel even worse than before , and by mid morning almost everyone is ready for a snack ... possibly even sugar. And so on.
Who you recognize it?
course is just the beginning, our days of attacks continue in a sussegguirsi to our health: eat sandwiches on the PC keyboard, skipped meals, or too heavy, midnight snacks ...

The personal medical history and diet can identify errors and determine together how to improve their habits, one step at a time.
Council from the simplest things, even to change old habits. The gradual path and the need for "accountability" someone to support the likelihood of success . The
is gradual weight loss, certainly, but it is always accompanied by a improve well-being, and self-esteem: all glad to get into something!
Sometimes, after an initial period of "re-education food" may be useful to follow a diet for a period in the formal sense, to consolidate the acquired habits and make them even more structured.

In short, everyone follows his own path. No wonder the site is called "nutrition tailor!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Foods To Eat If U Have Colitis


Archery: Italian record

Antonio Ruggeri was born to be a champion

Antonio Ruggeri, 15, student of Class 2 B et ITIS "E. Majorana Milazzo, is the crown jewel of the sport of archery in our school.
has always shown strong will and perseverance unmatched in meeting the objectives set, key elements that allowed the young archer to burn in just two years the most important milestones and succeed in the firmament of the national archery. All this is also due to Nunzio Pagano "soul" from the sports club "Arch Club Serro" in which Anthony Villafranca Tirrena is registered. The growth of athletics
Antonio was highlighted with wins the regional title and the 5th place in the Italian Championships shooting "cottage" in the 2010 class students.
Sunday, November 21, in Cosenza, the "Trophy S. Michele "race to FITARCO interregional distance of 18 meters indoor volley of 20, great exploits of Anthony Ruggeri well as winning the race for its class, wrote his name on the big book of Italian record with a score of 578 with 35 ten. The previous record belonged to the Roman Pasqualucci with the same score but only 25 ten.
After this milestone, Anthony will participate in the selection for admission to the national team of archery will be held in Turin on December 19.
Finally, this record allows our student to be the first candidate for the title to the Italian National Championships Archery, which will be held in Pavia on 4 and 5 February.

Pippo Geraci

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

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Who wants to lose weight knows that he must put on a diet . E "diet" is synonymous with restrictions, the very word brings to mind meals sad and tasteless, a bit 'at a penance: before you eat, now you must pay the penalty for your excesses. Diet also means that someone else (magazine, book or pattern found on a dietician ...) must decide what we can or can not eat. I do not know about you, but I personally find this last point is particularly annoying , I love my freedom, I could not bear taxation. You can avoid this? To find out how? Read on, and also visit the other pages to learn how.
A balanced weight management can not swing between extremes, "I eat whatever I want" or "I adapt to the diet, in infinite loops. E 'must change habits, to engage, but this must not be traumatic. Also because it would be useless can not continue long something unpleasant, we all know. how to lose weight in a healthy and natural without charges, waivers laborious, complicated diets?
My mission is to use my knowledge in the field of nutrition for help each one find the best solution . For some, maybe it will be the classic daily diet, while others will be more appropriate to a location "soft" I call no diet or the Zone Diet, or even what I consider the evolution of the area, namely the metabolic typing.
Whatever solution you choose, you'll be the center, and there is always attention to your problems, your needs, preferences, difficulties. And you can change your mind at any time, and change "diet."

Monday, November 8, 2010

Discolourationupper Lip

Diet Revolution diet or diets?

donna_bilancia_happy.jpg there a diet, a universally valid for all to lose weight and stay healthy? The answer

"diplomacy" is that there are universal principles that apply to all, to be applied according to individual needs. But these are extremely variables: the same food can be medicine for one is poison for another , so you have to be very careful in applying strict rules "universal"

But where does such diversity ?
We are composed of 100 trillion cells, each accompanied by the entire information that makes each of us unique and unrepeatable, encoded in DNA. But how many, 100,000,000,000,000 of cells? More than you might imagine, if they were second, would be equivalent to .... 3.168 billion years old! It 's amazing how our body is able to bring along so many self-sufficient entity, eppure questo è essenziale per la salute. La chiave per il corretto funzionamento del metabolismo è la produzione di energia a livello cellulare . Solo se questa è ottimale, infatti, la cellula sarà in grado di assolvere i suoi molteplici compiti, inclusi rigenerazione, detossificazione, oltre ai compiti specifici di cellula differenziata, diversi a seconda che si tratti di una cellula cardiaca, epatica, della pelle ecc. E’ una specie di effetto domino : se la cellula ha sufficiente energia per svolgere i propri compiti, allora anche l’organo di cui fa parte può funzionare correttamente, e se gli organi funzionano bene, allora siamo in perfetta salute. Ogni nostra attività e funzione dipende da una corretta produzione di energia a livello cellulare.

Si, la perfetta salute fa parte della nostra normale programmazione , siamo fatti per stare bene, godere di ottima salute, per essere pieni di energia. Al contrario, quando siamo inefficienti nella creazione, controllo, e conservazione dell’energia, allora le cellule, gli organi, i sistemi corporei non possono essere efficienti, si crea un disequilibrio, che porta nel tempo all’insorgere di malattia.

La nostra salute dipende dunque dall’efficiente produzione di energia, che il nostro corpo ricava dalla conversione di aria, luce, acqua e cibo in ATP (il nostro carburante metabolico). Come fa? E’ un processo estremamente complesso noto complessivamente come metabolismo .

La ricetta per la buona salute sembra semplice: basta prendere un po’ di sole, bere acqua, e nutrirsi in maniera equilibrata. Già, ma cosa vuole dire questo? Le raccomandazioni nutrizionali standard sono abbastanza chiare, eppure molte persone le seguono scrupolosamente senza risultati apprezzabili. Addirittura, quello che funziona benissimo per un individuo non ha alcun effetto su di un altro, e potrebbe far peggiorare una terza persona, anche dove tutti tre avessero gli stessi sintomi iniziali. Questo apparente paradosso si spiega con un fenomeno noto come individualità biochimica . Uno stesso disturbo potrebbe avere origine da disequilibri metabolici addirittura opposti! In una situazione del genere, lo stesso trattamento che aiuta una persona farà peggiorare la seconda. Ecco perché non esiste una sola prescrizione dietetica in grado di aiutare tutti.

Ma esiste una soluzione? Certo, ma non è semplice. Si tratta di comprendere l’individualità metabolica di ognuno, individuare il complesso pattern che lega le ghiandole endocrine e la velocità di ossidazione, in modo da individuare il giusto mix di nutrienti che consentirà di ritrovare la salute e la forma fisica . Come si fa? A seconda delle esigenze di ognuno, e della voglia di impegnarsi a cambiare alimentazione e stile di vita, ci sono diverse modalità (ovviamente i risultati non sono equivalenti). Scoprile nella sezione "diet revolution" e "servizi"