Wednesday, December 22, 2010

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We're almost there, in two days is Christmas!
We are all taken from the latest things to do , gifts, shopping, dinner ... many are concerned about how survive the holidays without carry around several pounds more (see previous post ). In short, it's all frenzy .
I like Christmas, more time devoted to family : family quarrels, we often bothers as much to forget our loved ones are important . A Christmas let's stop a moment, reflect on the fact that the Time passes quickly and does not return, the children grow up and will never be "so", the parents age and one day there will be no more.
When we pay attention to these things, when we will enjoy the time together for what each is, not as we would like?
and when we stop to think about ourselves, who we are, what's important, what is our value? We know what we are really "splinters of the divine" ?
Maybe not ...

So here, I think of Christmas is just that, to rediscover the divine that is inside each one, a baby Jesus be rediscovered, not in the crib under the tree, but in our hearts and to our guests is near.

Merry Christmas!

Howard Tv Bellybutton


Technical Institute "E. Majorana MILAZZO


SYSTEM ITIS MILAZZO 13 to 22 December 2010


Mt Cat 100 Students
1) Mondelli Salvatore (° or third) time 11 "53
2nd) Leo Salvatore (3BCh) time 12" 50
3rd) Marco Trio (1A et) time 12 "70
3) Miroddi Marco (3 B ch) time 12 "70

Mt Cat 100 Students
1st) Maiorana Ilaria (1 ch B) time 16 "08
2nd) Laura Colosi (1 C ch) time, 16" 50
3rd) Alessia De Mariano (2 ch B) time 16 "60

100 - Junior Cat M.
1) Trio Antonio (4 A Mec) time 11 "80

60 Hs Mt Cat
Cadet 1st) Alessia De Mariano (2B ch) time 12" 68
2nd) Laura Colosi (1 C ch ) long 13 "00
3rd) Bucca Giulia (2 ch B) time 14" 28

60 Hs Mt Cat
Cadet 1st) Federico Salmon (3 A Mec) time 9 "01
2nd) Orlando Antonio (2 ch B) time 9 "80

60 Hs Mt Cat Junior M.
1) Trio Antonioi (4 A Mectempo8 "84

Mt 1000 - Cat
Cadet 1st) Joseph Trimarchi (2 D) time 3'26"
2nd) Terrizzi Alessandro (2 D) time 3'31 "
3rd) Gary Pedroni (2 D) time 3'32 "

Mt 1000 - Cat
Cadet 1st) Maiorana Ilaria (1BCh) time 4'52"
2nd) Bucca Giulia (2BCh) time 5 '22 "
3rd) Vaccarino Alba (3BCh) time 5'29"

Mt 1000 - Junior Cat M.
1st) Truso Marco (4Ach) time 3'34 "
2nd) Francesco Formica (4ACh) time 4'24 "

Shot Put (5.700 kg) - Cat
Cadet 1st) Riccardo Di Giovanni (3BMec) Measure
10.84 m 2 °) Ndoki Armand (2BCh) Measure 10 meters , 29
3rd) Mirco Serra (3) Size 9.83 m

Shot Put (5.700 kg) - Cat M Junior
1st) Bongiovanni Simone (5) Measure
10.83 m 2 °) David Marchetta (5BCh) Measuring 10.51 meters
3rd) Hoxhaj Dennis (3AMec) Measuring 10.14 meters

Shot Put (3.00 kg) - Cat
Cadet 1st) Isgrò Miriam (3) Size mt 7.34

Long jump - Cat Students
1) May Gabriele (3 B mec) Measuring 5.25 meters
2nd) Marco Trio (1 A t) Size 5.15 m
3rd) Richard Saltalamacchia (1 B ch) Size 4.88 m

Long Jump - Cat
Cadet 1st) Alessia De Mariano (2 ch B) Measuring 3.25 meters
2nd) Laura Colosi (1 C ch) Size 3.10 m
3rd) Maiorana Ilaria (1 B ch) Size m 2 , 71

Long jump - 1, Cat Junior
) 4 Anthony Trio in Mecca.) Measuring 6.64 meters

Results: - ARCHERY

Cat Students
1st) Petiole Gabriele (1 mec A) Points 232
2 °) Simon Marchese (1BCh) 187 pts
3rd) Delshaj Fabio (1beta) 132 pts
4th) Ilacqua Massimiliano (2Ach) 124 pts
5 °) Rosa Thomas (2Ach) 114 pts 6 th
) Mario Merlino (2beta) 105 pts

Cadet 1st) Jessica Aliano (3BCh) 123 pts 2 nd
) Merlin Melany (1CCh) 47 pts Junior Cat

1) Luigi Giunta (5Bea) 128 pts

Results: - Tennis

1st) Joseph Vitale (4 A Mec)
2nd) Trio Antonio (4 A Mec.)
3rd) Ruvolo Simone (1 A Mec)

Results: - SOCCER
1) Trio Antonio (4 A mec) / Hoxhay Dionis (3A mec)
2nd) Vince Caminiti (4B ch) / Di Paola (4 ch B)
3rd) Joseph Cambria (4Bm) / Irato Salvatore (4 ch B)
3rd) Andrea Caminiti (1A ch) / PetrungaroEmanuele (1A ch)

Friday, December 17, 2010

How Common Is Instra Oral Herpes

SNOW - San Dona di Piave - Schools CLOSED!

The news of the closing of schools in San Dona di Piave, and I believe the province of Venice last night, but it was not communicated at all.
morning looking at the sites of the City and County do not find anything.
phones only to a school, after school my daughter tried without success (someone has lifted the receiver on the other side, but he immediately put down ...), the communication that we had last night the mayor- President of the Province adopted the order for closure of schools. Failure
publicity and information at least on various Internet sites is a typical example of negligence and deficiency administrator's!
And to think that we are the ABC of science administrative or common sense.
ordinance that should aim not to move people's homes to avoid transportation problems is ineffective if it is not known by a large number of citizens ...

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Ilaria Maiorano pilot Kart

Ilaria Maiorano kart driver in the 125cc
participate in the national championship 2010-2011.

The kart has been defined as " the smallest concentration of great emotion on four wheels "although not very well known by the general public has many champions in Formula 1. Ilaria
Maiorana pupil of a B chemistry of our school, very valuable athlete in various sports, but successful in the field of motorsport on Go-Kart. Compete licensed capacity of 125 international Kart KF3 class, for the Tuscan team "One Tribe Motorsport" in Montelupo Fiorentino. Ilaria
last six months of 2010 reported three brilliant victories in Sicily on all the circuits of the track on December 12 Favara (AG). Much more challenging
proved the participation of the Italian championship on November 28 last kart Ilaria battle that has seen success with riders and more experienced males.
The first leg was played in the circuit at Muro Leccese. Ilaria
followed lovingly every track from his father and uncle Salvatore Tindaro, professional mechanics.
At the end of the championship kart still has six stages in which Ilaria impose its will and determination to do well.

Pippo Geraci

Saturday, December 11, 2010

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Technical Institute "E. Majorana MILAZZO

Project sports for the school year 2010-2011: "the school sports for all .. "

Sports Festival

SYSTEM ITIS MILAZZO 13 to 22 December 2010


" Giocasportscuola 2010" - It 's a sporting event INVOLVING STUDENTS AND PUPILS ITIS "E. Majorana Milazzo. AN EIGHT DAYS THAT TAKES PLACE IN EXTENDED SCHOOL HOURS.

Demonstration Program.

Monday, December 13, 2010

14.00 Archery "Cup of Christmas 18 meters indoor (gym 1 - ITIS)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

11.00 Basketball (sports court ITIS)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

11.00 Athletics (Track ITIS) (mt in 1000 - shot put)
14.30 Mountain Bike (MTB Cronoscalata)

Thursday 16 Dicembre 2010

Ore 11.00 Atletica leggera ( Pista Itis), ( 60 mt/h - mt. 100- salto in lungo)

Venerdì 18 Dicembre 2010

Ore 15.00 Torneo di calciobalilla ( Palestra 1- Itis)

Ore 15.00 Torneo di Tennistavolo ( Sala Tennistavolo Itis)

Sabato 19 Dicembre 2010

Ore 11.00 Torneo di Pallavolo (Palestra 1 –Itis)

Lunedì 20 Dicembre 2010

Ore 09.00 Badminton “ Torneo di Natale” ( Palazzetto dello sport- via Valverde)

Ore 14.30 Mini torneo di Rugby Seven ( Campo Itis)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

09.00 Calcium (Father Cutropia field - C.da Ciantro)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

11.00 Awards (Gym 2-Itis)

Teachers of Physical Education: Cavallaro, Del Bono, Geraci, Minniti, Isgro.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Can I Have Two Isa Accounts


Arriva Christmas, with all his gifts, large and most children feel good ... I know terribly banal.
The Christmas holidays for many people represent a time of stress : the usual commitment is the thought of what to buy 25 grandchildren and great-aunt, the mother-in-law, friend of the heart, not to mention jump through hoops to look after children during the long holiday season ...
And then, of course, there are Christmas dinners! With colleagues, parents, school, friends of the gym, a drink with friends ... and so on and so forth. pounds, I mean , because very often we meet and greet the new year with some unwelcome cm more.
How to Defend Yourself?
Here are the instructions for use. And Happy Holidays!

  1. Scegliere . Alcune occasioni in cui sgarrare. Suggerisco non più di 2 o 3 al massimo, tipicamente Natale e l’ultimo dell’anno
  2. Gestire tutte le altre occasioni. 
    1. Se siete invitati a cena da qualcuno , prendete una piccola porzione di primo (modello ristorante francese, giusto per sporcare il piatto), una porzione più abbondante di secondo (…possibilmente con poco pane o senza), verdure a volontà. 1 massimo 2 bicchieri di vino, e mezza porzione di dolce.  Se le cene sono molte, niente dolce.
    2. Se siete al ristorante , saltate direttamente il primo, prendete un antipasto di verdura, poi secondo e contorno. Zero problemi. Se siete in pizzeria idem, oppure scegliete un ottima insalatona.
    3. Se si tratta di una festa a buffet , mettete subito nel piatto le cose che desiderate di più, nella quantità che vi sembra sufficiente per quel giorno. In fondo dovete pur mangiare, ma è bene controllare le quantità! Poi allontanatevi dal buffet, e resistete alla tentazione di riempire il piatto più e più volte.  Se possibile chiacchierate lontano dal buffet, con amici che in quel momento non stanno mangiando, altrimenti li imiterete!
  3. Moving . Want to see your friends? Very good. Instead of meeting to see yourself eating and drinking in the afternoon for a walk, excursions, visit your own town. Play hide and seek with the children ... so use every opportunity to move a bit 'more: why wait for New Year's good intentions?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

What Jeans Does Holly Willoughby Wear

habits that make you fat and overweight

Have you ever felt envious of her friend lean what seems to be able to eat anything they like without putting up one gram? You always think that these Lucky people have a metabolism.

Maybe yes, but more likely are people who have healthy eating habits, and have no bad habits instead. There are things that maybe we "automatically", without thinking, in the long run give us a kilo after the other ..
begin to change? It 's a bit of a path of "no diet "

First habit: eating standing on the corner of the table not to make crumbs (typical habit of the mothers when they are alone) or on the bar and ordered a coffee to toast together to move forward, or, in the fridge, pulling out what happens, without a clear knowledge then what you eat ....

I go on?
This mode of consumption of meals, whether those we call them, is really counterproductive : first, in most cases you do not consume healthy foods, then also from the quantitative point of view may be too many calories (maybe 2 sandwiches fast ...) or too few, but it is difficult to assess at that time.
Finally, eat like a horse (wanted to write, like donkeys, but then I leave to each its own considerations) gives no satisfaction, so it is very likely in the afternoon, as soon as we the occasion, rewards us with "something good" , or plunder the fridge just arrived home, often without giving up a big dinner : at the end we skipped lunch, right?
The result? The feeling of not being able to maintain control over the food, and a progressive weight gain . A high price to pay to have eaten bad! I suggest you start
change habits, in the simplest possible way, one step at a time.

First step: you eat seated if it's only half a cracker. When the fact of sitting will be an established custom, we do

Second step: each meal takes time . A minimum of 20 minutes seems reasonable, then everyone knows what can be done. Having established that, remain seated at all times although maybe you have already done what you wanted to eat every day, in every circumstance. At first maybe use a timer or a mobile phone for "forcing" them to stay. This gives way to the brain to "register" the fact that we have a heavy meal, and feel a sense of satiety.

third step, the choice of food is important ... but this is a ' other bet.

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Who thinks he is overweight raise your hand. The average woman thinks you are fat even when it is not, but unfortunately it is true that obesity and overweight in Italy increased by 10% from 70 to today.
Globally, the number of overweight people has exceeded that of undernourished people,
then the problem becomes truly global dimensions, so that in Anglo-Saxon world has been created word "globesity" , global obesity!
We Italians, however, certainly do exception ... or not?
Actually, no: according to the Institute National Statistics Institute (Istat) an Italian in three is overweight (34.2%), amounting to 20 million adults and one in ten is obese (9.8%) (2001 data).
may be acceptable to have some 'bacon at 60, but not at 6, but unfortunately instead even 20% of children between 6 and 17 years are overweight , with a 4% above the threshold of' Obesity!
In most cases the weight of children following the parents ', and this highlights yet again the importance of' example in family life. Also remember that unfortunately the overweight in childhood predisposes to obesity and development of cardiovascular disease and diabetes in adulthood. This could be a good reason to motivate many parents to eat better and have a healthier lifestyle. Do not forget that obesity is a major risk factor for heart attack, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, and could even predispose to the development of cancer, then surely is not only a question of aesthetics .
If the statistics are right, the Italians do not know eat anymore, or maybe the good old Mediterranean diet no longer provides the benefits it has always promised?
Good the first: the Mediterranean diet in our remained only tomatoes, but there is no sign of abundant vegetables, the meals of vegetables, or bread and onion, or fish, you pay their weight in gold remain pasta and pizza, economic and fast and calorie compared to our modern laziness.
Power too high in grains, especially refined, is accused also the point of view of health.
Epidemiological studies show that many of the modern era diseases (overweight, diabetes, cardiovascular disease) have appeared in human populations following the adoption of agriculture , especially in populations that have adopted these habits more recently. According to these researchers, about 100 generations have elapsed since the use of cereals as the main source of calories in modern may not be sufficient even for a genetic adaptation to this change, and the frequency of gluten intolerance and celiac disease may give reason for this hypothesis.
At this point, a good percentage of people think that dieting might be a good idea .
But what diet?