Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Sickle Cell

Del Bono and Schepisi Sicily Non Stop number six

Schepisi and Del Bono

Left: Del Bono and Schepisi

Del Bono and Schepisi Sicily Non Stop number six

It 'nice to tell the deeds of mythical heroes of our time "with their bikes have turned the 1014 Km of Sicily, reaching the most characteristic of our island in less than 75 hours.
Our heroes, armed with an extraordinary will, committed to overcoming any difficulty they have accomplished without help, using only short stops for their basic needs, a company memorable round of "Do not Stop Sicily.
The start of the 250 daredevils from all over Europe took place in Patti (Me), on the morning of September 20, 2010. In a world where the values \u200b\u200bof sports are not always so clear, these "modern heroes" is the healthy part of sport that the training and willpower. The
"Sicilia not Stop" is running day and night, where pedaling pedaling kilometers are won by acquiring a "holiness" and "awareness" that can receive only one who carries out a cyclical over such a long time. And
pedaling pedaling to get to the point where the body says enough! Our "heroes" talk with their legs with their arms, with the whole body, trying to get their "head" to go forward ... whispering softly from a ride ... again ... and then a 'other ride.
Alla “Sicilia Non Stop” erano presenti due atleti dell’ASD ITIS E. Majorana di Milazzo, il Professore Giuseppe Del Bono (51 anni) docente di educazione fisica all’Itis di Milazzo, grande veterano di questa manifestazione, visto che ne ha portate a termine cinque e di Cosimo Schepisi (42 anni) cultore e appassionato di granfondo.
Del Bono e Schepisi hanno dovuto “lavorare” molto per preparare in maniera specifica questa manifestazione internazionale e così da poter ricevere il pass per la sesta edizione della “Sicilia Non Stop” il cui svolgimento è previsto ogni due anni.

Pippo Geraci


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