Sunday, May 11, 2008

How Humid Should A Leopard Gecko Tank Be?

Rapallo, 2008.05.01-04 (bed and breakfast)

More than two months without updating the blog: a bit of laziness and a bit of various commitments have kept me away. Also, I should update it for an important occasion, and failing to do so, every post I feared would occasion demined (special as the person involved).
But anyhow, here I am.

Small update with some photos taken as the title ... Very nice, sunny and quiet (certainly more couples looking for a few moments out of the confusion of daily city pet rowdy) (fuck old as I speak), the owners friendly and very helpful, definitely recommended for those who look comfortable and well appointed, super breakfast (coffee, tea, fruit juices, croissants with cream / chocolate / jam, donuts, cakes, Genoese, bread and jam), tranquility and great views of the Gulf of Rapallo.

View from the terrace of the B & B on the Gulf of Tigullio (Rapallo Harbour)

Vista hill from our room

Inside the bathroom of our room

Breakfast on the terrace overlooking the sea, sun and wind of mid-morning!

Night on the Gulf, outside a restaurant lost

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Best Gradual Tanning Lotion


Monday, February 18, 2008

Maxi Mounds Stripping

bleak conclusions of a working Monday in Rome

In my work I happen frequently enough to interface with a particular category of people that is divided into two subcategories: one of the useless (because they simply ignorant of the matter that should be addressed) and that of those who do harm (ignorant, but not aware of it, the matter that should be addressed).
Unfortunately these are the most dangerous ones. In this Monday
spent in Rome I had to do with a series of specimens belonging to this second subset.
Can I share the inflexibility that is required by certain procedures and by various laws, but I can not accept and can not tolerate the rigidity on the part of incompetent people, perched on the unjustifiable and indefensible positions, which are outside their competence and their self-serving position domain (I dare not ask granted on the basis of merit as a criterion) stand as the basis for the bearers of absolute truth.
The arrogance of those who does not know the regulations, while those who are not able to properly articulate a sentence in Italian follow a complement to a verb and a subject with arrogance of those who claim to judge arbitrarily choosing the wrong instruments, wrong mode, reasons for inconsistent and not congruent with the tone of the situation suggests, this is not acceptable.
do not work is because, as in all things, and for some jobs in particular, respect, responsibility, humility to give someone standing in front of their views (especially when it might be an opportunity to approaching the subject for which he paid handsomely though not even remotely idea of \u200b\u200bthe foundations) and the awareness to operate with common sense are essential aspects. Or maybe I just think these things important, especially as today when I got up 5 to return to the home at 22 past.
Unfortunately, the stupidity, arrogance and disarming the staggering incompetence of a certain class, I can not define "manager" because it is in error with a modicum of power in the hands (and remains blinded), despite being worth - morally and professionally - as the two of spades when the trump is hearts, ultimately have an impact on businesses and the public interest of citizens.
But this is Italy.
The group of useless officials today made me lose all confidence in the development of our country, whatever they say our politicians in the forthcoming election campaign, I can only hope the worst things. To begin with, they will find someone who li cacci fuori a calci nel culo dagli uffici e dagli incarichi per i quali in una giornata come oggi, mandando a monte senza motivo il lavoro di tante persone oneste, guadagnano senz'altro quanto il sottoscritto in un mese.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Krakow Prices Beer 2009

A novel mathematical

Matematica e letteratura hanno incrociato il cammino troppe volte perché si tratti soltanto di incontri casuali. Se è vero che entrambe sono attività di "finzione" e consistono principalmente nel'invenzione di mondi possibili, non deve stupire questo continuo rispecchiamento.
Pubblico oggi il primo di una piccola serie di racconti "matematici". Si tratta di racconti finiti, come in questo caso, o di brevi estratti da testi più lunghi.
Fatemi sapere che ne pensate.

Continuity of Parks (Julio Cortázar)

He had begun reading the novel a few days before. Left him to urgent business, he returned by train to open as he returned to the farm, slowly let himself be of interest to the plot, the character design. That night, after writing a letter to his attorney and discussing a matter with the factor of sharecropping, he returned to the book in the tranquility of the study that opened the park of oak. Lying in the favorite chair with your back to the door that would have bothered as an irritating intrusion possibilities, let your left hand caress repeatedly the green velvet and si mise a leggere gli ultimi capitoli. La sua memoria riteneva senza sforzo il nome e le immagini dei protagonisti; l'illusione romanzesca lo conquistò quasi subito. Godeva del piacere quasi perverso di staccarsi di riga in riga da ciò che lo attorniava, e di sentire al tempo stesso che la testa riposava comodamente sul velluto dell’alto schienale, che le sigarette erano sempre a portata di mano, che al dì là delle vetrate danzava l'aria del crepuscolo sotto i roveri. Di parola in parola, assorto nel sordido dilemma degli eroi, lasciandosi andare verso le immagini che si componevano e acquistavano colore e movimento, fu testimone dell'ultimo incontro nella capanna sul monte. Prima entrava la donna, guardinga; adesso arrivava l'amante, my face hurt by lashes of a branch. Admirably she dabbed the blood with her kisses, caresses, but he refused, he had not come to repeat the ceremonies of a secret passion, protected by a world of dry leaves and furtive paths. The dagger is warmed against her bosom, and crouched under pulsed freedom. A dialogue flowed anxious for pages like a stream of snakes, and felt that everything was decided a long time. Even those caresses which enveloped the body of the lover as if to restrain and dissuade him abominably drew the figure of another body that had to be destroyed. Nothing had been forgotten: alibis, circumstances, errors. From that hour, each moment was carefully determined its use. The list was interrupted when two ruthless to allow a hand caressing his cheek. He was beginning to get dark.

Without even looking over, tied closely to the task that awaited them, they parted at the door of the hut. She was to continue the path that was heading north. On the opposite path he turned for a moment to see her running with her hair down. He ran too, providing protection against the trees and hedges as long distinguished in the haze of mauve dusk the driveway leading to the house. The dogs were not barking, and barking. The factor should not be there at that hour, and was not there. Go up the three steps of the porch and went inside. From the blood that was galloping in his ears he could hear the woman's words: the first a blue room, then a gallery, a staircase with carpet. Upstairs, two doors. No one in the first room, no one in the second. The drawing-room door, and then the dagger in his hand, the light from the windows, the high back of a chair of green velvet, the head of a man in the chair reading a novel.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Early Linsey Dawn Mckenzie


... and when you think it over, then that is
climb begins ..
What a fantastic story is the life! Antonello

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Building Rabbit Cages

hard drive so we will gate the rights of users

(from Computer Point 8 / 02/2008, LINK )

Rome - often open gashes sull'inabilità of the legislature to keep up with society and sometimes it happens that this failure is entirely on the public glare. It happens today with the fee for copying hard drives subject to seizure, a charge that now is the proof, in some cases can by itself remove the right of defense in a criminal case.

Yesterday morning, the lawyer defending the accused in an investigation that led to the seizure of the computer of his client went to a compartment of the Postal Police to obtain a certified copy of the hard disk contained in that computer. It is a fundamental right Defense: In order to verify the integrity of the data, retrieve information relevant to their work, analyzing the bases on which some claim may emerge during the procedure. This is a key element of that is to establish a defensive strategy, which is relevant in any context, especially if of a criminal nature. But that copy is so important for the accused has not been done. The reason? It cost tens of thousands of euro.

Already, the certified copy of the hard disk for the exercise of the right to defense is not furnished office. It is produced only on request and at very high price. For the record, if you want to get a copy of the disco da 120 gigabyte , come accaduto ieri, occorre sganciare circa 40mila euro . I pagherò non sono accettati, ci vogliono mazzi di marche da bollo. Ciascun CD-R su cui i dati vengono riprodotti costa all'imputato esattamente 258 euro virgola 23. Fatta qualche moltiplicazione per il conteggio preventivo dei diritti, gli euro sono calcolati, il diritto è negato.
A procurare questa lesione non è una calcolatrice truccata: lo stabilisce nientemeno che il Testo Unico sulle spese di Giustizia ( LINK ) nei cui meandri si cancella il diritto alla difesa. Come si può facilmente verificare, se la certified reproduction costs less than 5 € for a 90-minute tape, in case of a digital copy for each compact disc "(as assessed in 640 megs if we're talking about), the fee is € 258-odd.

Article 269 does not mention payment terms, or loans for those who need to buy a mountain of stamps: so coldly operation requires quantum to be paid for the copy. It should be paid immediately, money in hand. This means that the defense of the national average income that remains is rather appealing to the magistrate at a later time, request the submission of a report on behalf of the court, but the court has no obligation to accept such a request, nor it is said that the expertise is what defense accord with the same procedural issues, organizational or operational, which may have nothing to do with guilt or otherwise of the accused but which may affect the defensive strategies. This means that we can expect that in court the only skill that will be heard will be that made by the prosecution.

Not only that, as mentioned, is very easy to think that hard drives can also contain material needed for the group work of the subject, not to mention all the personal contents of those where the defendant may not have copies contained perhaps completely unrelated to the proceedings which gave rise
il sequestro ma ugualmente resi indisponibili. Sì, è vero, il materiale successivamente viene riconsegnato all'accusato. Ma quando? In genere passano circa 7 anni dal momento del sequestro. E il lavoro di quella persona? I suoi affetti? Tutto passa in secondo piano, nulla di quell'hard disk può essere rilasciato senza il pagamento di una somma stratosferica.

È naturalmente impervio volersi arrampicare su una tesi colpevolista, è difficile credere che chi ha consentito che una norma del genere venisse approvata abbia di proposito voluto cancellare i diritti essenziali dei cittadini, o almeno di quelli meno opulenti. Il che ci lascia con una sola possibilità, ovvero che chi lo ha fatto, the Legislature, once again acted unconsciousness of what and how they work today and what technologies are central to all our lives.

Who This rate has done since it lacks jurisdiction to decide. And yesterday, the report was written that the defense give up a copy. " are tripping prepared against citizens by Legislator willfully ignorant, and readers of this magazine know better than anyone else. Yet it does not always this way. When Point Computer pulled out in recent months the case of "tax on the blog, someone will remember, three days after the text had already been modified. It was not a case: all the media have drawn from that article on the front page to bring the measure, the public was made aware of the names and faces of politicians. And then only the promise of a course correction could "save" the situation, a correction is not too difficult especially as the measure was still in progress. But now? But in a case like this? Who will take responsibility for a mistake so gross in the Consolidated, a mistake that harms a citizen right now but who knows how many others have already damaged? Who will take the political responsibility to an ever so glaring incompetence?

's not all, alas. The other problem with which Italians have to face is that many of these laws were inoculated within schifezzuole laws are difficult to read, scattered rain in all laws that might deal with, apparently, unless technology and its consequences. Just as in the Consolidation Act. This makes difficult any reform without a painstaking job of detecting flaws. Not surprisingly, we are in the midst of the digital revolution, the Internet is used by the masses of Italians for many years, and in that time the unbearable lightness of the legislator was clearly evident with majorities and coalitions of all colors, repeating seamless of constant, with alarming frequency the inability to cope with the changing world and the needs of Italians who want to ride the change triggered by the information society.

The solution? Resort to the hard disk of a time. After all 4 gig would cost just over € 1600.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Congratulate You Will Have A New Baby

not worth it.

But for a cock.
This is the point.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hamster Prolapsed Bowell

four wallpaper

Monday, January 14, 2008

Everything On A Waffle Plot

Google, iPhone and tits

Here's something very bizarre.
Google Trying to translate the word "iPhone" from English into Italian will be out ... "BOOBS". A surprising statement, of course, it is easy to confirm using exactly the translation services of Google.
To make the proof is sufficient to go to the home of the service (LINK ), enter the word in capital letters and select the English translation -> Italian.
must be said that the error occurs only by entering the word in capital letters.
But there is really a translation problem? Someone suggests that this is an easter egg, but it certainly is related to one feature "Translated Search." If you use it the normal service translations offered by Google ( LINK ) the term "iPhone" to "mobile", a translation may seem arbitrary, but a tad bit more consistent.
(from Point of Information Technology 14/01/2008, LINK )

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Testors Candy Apple Red Transparent Paint

friendship and apples: the importance of measuring

There is an error and it seems common to all those involved in science argue that everything is or true or false, do not always know with certainty what things are true or false, but I am sure that things are either true or false. We know how to tell if the grass is green, if the atoms vibrate, or if the number of lakes Maine is even or odd. The truth of these statements is that of the same type of mathematical or logical statements, or all or nothing "white or black", 0 or 1. Instead it is a matter of measurement. Everything is matter of degree. The facts are always to some extent fuzzy, vague, hazy. Only math, which is a purely artificial system of rules and symbols, is "black or white." Nevertheless, science is facts "gray" or fuzzy as if they were made of black or white type of mathematics. everyday life is full of questions fuzzy.
Picking up an apple. It 'an apple? Yes, the object in our mani appartiene agli agglomerati spazio-temporali che chiamiamo l'insieme delle mele - di tutte le mele di ogni tempo e luogo. Ora stacchiamone un boccone, mastichiamolo e inghiottiamolo. Lasciamo che il nostro apparato digerente separi le molecole della mela. L'oggetto che abbiamo in mano è ancora una mela? O no?

Stacchiamone un altro boccone. L'oggetto è ancora una mela? Diamo un altro morso, e così via fino a finirla. La mela è mutata da una cosa in una non-cosa, in nulla. Ma dove ha oltrepassato la linea di demarcazione tra mela e non-mela? Quando ne teniamo in mano metà, questa è tanto mela quanto non-mela. La mezza mela mette in crisi le descriptions in terms of all-or-nothing, it is an apple fuzzy, is gray or light and shade between black and white: the fuzzy is chiaroscuro.
Picking up a friendship. We can take it in hand? Question out of place. We estimate instead the fundamental aspect of the matter: it is a friendship? What makes us say that it is really a friendship? For a disinterested, honest advice, a chat or a beer together in the cold of winter can make us tend to say that this is a friendship. But not just a gesture or a word too measured to doubt a relationship, in which case, you are no longer friends and it is the same, but maybe in misura leggermente differente da prima? Può essere un'amicizia fuzzy ?
Se andiamo a fare il pieno al distributore di benzina, al termine del rifornimento siamo al massimo. Dopo due ore in autostrada, da Milano a Bologna, magari ci ritroviamo a tre quarti del serbatoio. Abbiamo bisogno di tornare alla pompa del carburante o possiamo guardare avanti con ottimismo, confidando in quanto rimane? Possiamo pretendere che la macchina ci consenta la stessa autonomia di quando siamo partiti? In questo caso, la risposta è semplice: no. Ma ciò non toglie che conosciamo quanto può dare l'automobile; sappiamo che possiamo "consumare" qualcosa in caso di necessità, sappiamo che possiamo correre ai ripari e return to starting position. We can also decide to never do the full, to get a few liters below the maximum capacity.
is to mediate between the various requirements.
have the idea that an apple remains an apple after a bite off with greed and friendship remains so even after a quarrel, a disagreement, a matter of debate. I think a true friendship will always remain alive, does not go out looking at the calendar considering with an expiration date like milk, is not subject to the outcome of any relationship between the people around us. We can nurture and grow, we can give her some poison and kill him, we can not give her anything and her death anyway. Of hunger. Or affection.
But it's all matter of degree. If this friendship is, you have to nurture it and treat it, as much or little, depending on how one can or wants to. It 's a matter of degree.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Born License Template

fantasy with homemade shrimp and zucchini

recipe for a first improvised some time ago and that always makes her look good.
Clean 4 medium-sized zucchini and slice into rounds, in a large frying pan (about 36 cm in diameter), sauté in olive oil Liguria (virgin, of course) with half a shallot chopped two sliced \u200b\u200bcloves of garlic, when garlic slices begin to turn brown, remove from the pan and add zucchini along with a whole clove. Leave everything on medium heat, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile Shell
pound of shrimp tails fresh, cut the back of the shrimp to extract the black wire and put the shells in a saucepan with a little water over low heat. Sauté the prawns shelled (with the exception of half a dozen) in another pan with a little butter, add 200 ml of cream kitchen, the broth filtrate of shells, a pinch of salt and a splash of pepper four colors. A flame to dry the sauce adding the remaining chopped shrimp with the crescent.
Cook pasta (350 g homemade, but also excellent fusilli, penne or maltagliati) al dente, drain and pour into large pan with the zucchini: turn up the heat and, after adding the sauce with shrimp , complete with a tablespoon of freshly chopped parsley, two tablespoons of parmesan cheese and two teaspoons of pesto fresh. A beautiful
sfiammata to thicken the sauce over pasta and voila: the fantasy of four dishes of excellent home-made with shrimp and zucchini.
(post "recycled" from previous blog)