Monday, February 18, 2008

Maxi Mounds Stripping

bleak conclusions of a working Monday in Rome

In my work I happen frequently enough to interface with a particular category of people that is divided into two subcategories: one of the useless (because they simply ignorant of the matter that should be addressed) and that of those who do harm (ignorant, but not aware of it, the matter that should be addressed).
Unfortunately these are the most dangerous ones. In this Monday
spent in Rome I had to do with a series of specimens belonging to this second subset.
Can I share the inflexibility that is required by certain procedures and by various laws, but I can not accept and can not tolerate the rigidity on the part of incompetent people, perched on the unjustifiable and indefensible positions, which are outside their competence and their self-serving position domain (I dare not ask granted on the basis of merit as a criterion) stand as the basis for the bearers of absolute truth.
The arrogance of those who does not know the regulations, while those who are not able to properly articulate a sentence in Italian follow a complement to a verb and a subject with arrogance of those who claim to judge arbitrarily choosing the wrong instruments, wrong mode, reasons for inconsistent and not congruent with the tone of the situation suggests, this is not acceptable.
do not work is because, as in all things, and for some jobs in particular, respect, responsibility, humility to give someone standing in front of their views (especially when it might be an opportunity to approaching the subject for which he paid handsomely though not even remotely idea of \u200b\u200bthe foundations) and the awareness to operate with common sense are essential aspects. Or maybe I just think these things important, especially as today when I got up 5 to return to the home at 22 past.
Unfortunately, the stupidity, arrogance and disarming the staggering incompetence of a certain class, I can not define "manager" because it is in error with a modicum of power in the hands (and remains blinded), despite being worth - morally and professionally - as the two of spades when the trump is hearts, ultimately have an impact on businesses and the public interest of citizens.
But this is Italy.
The group of useless officials today made me lose all confidence in the development of our country, whatever they say our politicians in the forthcoming election campaign, I can only hope the worst things. To begin with, they will find someone who li cacci fuori a calci nel culo dagli uffici e dagli incarichi per i quali in una giornata come oggi, mandando a monte senza motivo il lavoro di tante persone oneste, guadagnano senz'altro quanto il sottoscritto in un mese.


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