There is an error and it seems common to all those involved in science argue that everything is or true or false, do not always know with certainty what things are true or false, but I am sure that things are either true or false. We know how to tell if the grass is green, if the atoms vibrate, or if the number of lakes Maine is even or odd. The truth of these statements is that of the same type of mathematical or logical statements, or all or nothing "white or black", 0 or 1. Instead it is a matter of measurement. Everything is matter of degree. The facts are always to some extent fuzzy, vague, hazy. Only math, which is a purely artificial system of rules and symbols, is "black or white." Nevertheless, science is facts "gray" or fuzzy as if they were made of black or white type of mathematics. everyday life is full of questions fuzzy.
Picking up an apple. It 'an apple? Yes, the object in our mani appartiene agli agglomerati spazio-temporali che chiamiamo l'insieme delle mele - di tutte le mele di ogni tempo e luogo. Ora stacchiamone un boccone, mastichiamolo e inghiottiamolo. Lasciamo che il nostro apparato digerente separi le molecole della mela. L'oggetto che abbiamo in mano è ancora una mela? O no?

Stacchiamone un altro boccone. L'oggetto è ancora una mela? Diamo un altro morso, e così via fino a finirla. La mela è mutata da una cosa in una non-cosa, in nulla. Ma dove ha oltrepassato la linea di demarcazione tra mela e non-mela? Quando ne teniamo in mano metà, questa è tanto mela quanto non-mela. La mezza mela mette in crisi le descriptions in terms of all-or-nothing, it is an apple fuzzy, is gray or light and shade between black and white: the fuzzy is chiaroscuro.
Picking up a friendship. We can take it in hand? Question out of place. We estimate instead the fundamental aspect of the matter: it is a friendship? What makes us say that it is really a friendship? For a disinterested, honest advice, a chat or a beer together in the cold of winter can make us tend to say that this is a friendship. But not just a gesture or a word too measured to doubt a relationship, in which case, you are no longer friends and it is the same, but maybe in misura leggermente differente da prima? Può essere un'amicizia fuzzy ?
Se andiamo a fare il pieno al distributore di benzina, al termine del rifornimento siamo al massimo. Dopo due ore in autostrada, da Milano a Bologna, magari ci ritroviamo a tre quarti del serbatoio. Abbiamo bisogno di tornare alla pompa del carburante o possiamo guardare avanti con ottimismo, confidando in quanto rimane? Possiamo pretendere che la macchina ci consenta la stessa autonomia di quando siamo partiti? In questo caso, la risposta è semplice: no. Ma ciò non toglie che conosciamo quanto può dare l'automobile; sappiamo che possiamo "consumare" qualcosa in caso di necessità, sappiamo che possiamo correre ai ripari e return to starting position. We can also decide to never do the full, to get a few liters below the maximum capacity.
is to mediate between the various requirements.
have the idea that an apple remains an apple after a bite off with greed and friendship remains so even after a quarrel, a disagreement, a matter of debate. I think a true friendship will always remain alive, does not go out looking at the calendar considering with an expiration date like milk, is not subject to the outcome of any relationship between the people around us. We can nurture and grow, we can give her some poison and kill him, we can not give her anything and her death anyway. Of hunger. Or affection.
But it's all matter of degree. If this friendship is, you have to nurture it and treat it, as much or little, depending on how one can or wants to. It 's a matter of degree.
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