Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cats With Double Canines


The scale tells us our burden, but this is not the whole truth . Two people with the same height and weight may look completely different, a toned and muscular, the ' another with bacon and shorts!
In addition to weight is important to know the body composition, ie how much of our weight consists of fat as by water and fluids from the muscles . tissue muscles are more metabolically active, what allows us to eat more and maintain weight while the fat from this point of view is " inert, does not consume and indeed, produces hormones inflammatory action: having an excess of fat is certainly not positive for either health or for aesthetics.
When you begin a journey of weight loss is important initial assessment of body composition, and occur at the time that the weight lost is primarily fat, not muscle or noble structures. The aspect that carved often depends on who is on a diet by a lack of muscle mass, which is very harmful. Follow in time the patient can "adjust the aim For time, vary the diet therapy intervention depending on the actual physical response of each.

How to measure body fat?
Actually, can not be measured directly, but it can be estimated. In the study using two different instruments
The first is the BIA101 of Akern, "the" best tool on the market for the estimation of body composition, crossing over 1000 and published scientific articles 25 years of clinical research. This tool allows you to measure two parameters bioelettrici, impedenza e reattanza , che sono direttamente collegati quantità di fluidi all’interno dell’organismo ed all’ integrità delle membrane cellulari .  La combinazione di queste due misurazioni viene riportata su un grafico detto BIAVECTOR, che permette di valutare la situazione : tanta o poca massa cellulare, buona, scarsa o troppa idratazione. Le misurazioni successive permettono di valutare il tipo di modificazioni all’interno del corpo: può succedere che non si perda apparentemente peso, ma in realtà la quantità di adipe è minore mentre è aumentata la massa magra, uno moving the "dot" tells us much more than just weight.
The software makes a calculation of the various compartments: pounds of lean mass, fat mass, water, but estimates are subject to greater errors.

The second tool I use is' adipometro . This tool works a little ' as an ultrasound, the application is quick and discreet, and allows you to measure the thickness of fat chosen points, then over time we can directly measure the changes Couch fat.

The measurements are performed whenever necessary. Since the impedance estimate the amount of water present in the body is good to do the measurement at the right time in order to obtain a measure that is more responsive as possible to the "normal" situation of the person. We suggest that you do not sport in the hours preceding the visit (if you're not high-level sport, in that case does not change), to avoid long journeys car. Better not do the measurement during the menstrual cycle, as this will normally result in a higher water retention usual.


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