In memory of Paolo Borsellino and all the heroes who have made Italy great
One of the first post of this blog, in May 2007, reminded the judges Falcone and Borsellino and title was "Italy, a country in agony.
's been 3 years and 18 from the post after the death of Falcone and Borsellino, the situation is worse if possible.
We are a people unhappy and Italy is truly a paradise inhabited by devils.
.. There are no words to describe the despair that seizes me at times.
We still have to tolerate this world upside down? Where the good and honest people are put aside and even killed when they attempt to do justice, where the mafia and the coup leaders come to have the power to decide our destiny, where freedom and justice are undermined every day that God sends us perilous and it also tries to make us understand that it's the opposite??
It 'really hard! Faced with this loss for words and you pass the desire also to continue to talk about it. In these days we learn that Borsellino was killed because he had heard about the ongoing negotiations between the Mafia and occult powers. I would say to those who have rappresentato e che rappresentano le Istituzioni che ci sono cose che non possono essere contrattate con i criminali, anzi che con i criminali non si tratta mai. I criminali vanno solo assicurati alla Giustizia. Con quale coraggio per anni hanno potuto guardare, accarezzare e parlare con i loro figli e le persone care, portandosi dentro un fardello così pesante? Quali principi ed ideali hanno illuminato le loro inutili vite? Magari loro moriranno a novant'anni, nel letto della loro casa con intorno i familiari e gli amici, mentre Falcone, Borsellino, Chinnici, Scopelliti, Cassarà, gli agenti delle scorte e tutti le altre centinaia e centinaia di uomini onesti e giusti, sono stati strappati brutalmente alle loro famiglie, ai loro affetti, alla loro just life and useful to society and the state.
One of the first post of this blog, in May 2007, reminded the judges Falcone and Borsellino and title was "Italy, a country in agony.
's been 3 years and 18 from the post after the death of Falcone and Borsellino, the situation is worse if possible.
We are a people unhappy and Italy is truly a paradise inhabited by devils.
.. There are no words to describe the despair that seizes me at times.
We still have to tolerate this world upside down? Where the good and honest people are put aside and even killed when they attempt to do justice, where the mafia and the coup leaders come to have the power to decide our destiny, where freedom and justice are undermined every day that God sends us perilous and it also tries to make us understand that it's the opposite??
It 'really hard! Faced with this loss for words and you pass the desire also to continue to talk about it. In these days we learn that Borsellino was killed because he had heard about the ongoing negotiations between the Mafia and occult powers. I would say to those who have rappresentato e che rappresentano le Istituzioni che ci sono cose che non possono essere contrattate con i criminali, anzi che con i criminali non si tratta mai. I criminali vanno solo assicurati alla Giustizia. Con quale coraggio per anni hanno potuto guardare, accarezzare e parlare con i loro figli e le persone care, portandosi dentro un fardello così pesante? Quali principi ed ideali hanno illuminato le loro inutili vite? Magari loro moriranno a novant'anni, nel letto della loro casa con intorno i familiari e gli amici, mentre Falcone, Borsellino, Chinnici, Scopelliti, Cassarà, gli agenti delle scorte e tutti le altre centinaia e centinaia di uomini onesti e giusti, sono stati strappati brutalmente alle loro famiglie, ai loro affetti, alla loro just life and useful to society and the state.