Wednesday, October 31, 2007

How Much Does It Cost To Renew Your Tags In Ohio


A virus is a software application to detect and eliminate computer viruses or other malicious programs such as worms, Trojans and dialers .
Its operation is based mainly on research in RAM or within files in a computer hardware of a typical pattern of each virus.
must be remembered that the virus is able to eliminate only the first virus that recognizes, so all the new viruses (the ones that your antivirus does not know and those that have not yet been discovered) can go completely unnoticed and do whatever they want without the virus to act. In addition, the virus manages to intercept the virus only when it is entered into the computer and then ha già infettato un file o la memoria.
Per fortuna io non ho avuto mai problemi con i virus anche se una volta qualche anno fa, un furbetto è riuscito a infiltrarsi nella mia linea e a mie spese si è collegato a non so quanti siti a pagamento, lascio a voi immaginare quali...Da quel momento ci siamo muniti di uno specifico programma antidialer che blocca la connessione ai numeri non espressamente autorizzati...e non solo, è iniziata anche la disperata ricerca di un antivirus efficace, anche se tutte la persone a cui chiedevamo consiglio ci dava una opinione diversa..
La scelta di un antivirus è una cosa molto complessa anche perché antivirus diversi possono riuscire a rintracciare e quindi a controllare i nuovi virus prima e meglio di altri.
With the advent of the internet virus has become an almost indispensable tool for operating systems released by Microsoft, and other operating systems like Linux or Mac OS X, are almost immune to viruses.
I understand that, at least for the time being the only "salvation", as suggested by the professor is not using windows .. Well ..! Now I've got windows, I can only pay attention when I surf the internet, or when I receive e-mails from strangers (even this thing happened frequently) and I can continually keep the 'antivirus and other security programs ..

Thursday, October 18, 2007

How To Get Glue Off Stainless Steel


From October 13 to 21 is being held in Perugia the eurochocolate .. Unfortunately this is the last fine settimana e anche quest'anno per una cosa o per un'altra penso che non riuscirò ad andarci..Da una parte meglio perchè così il mio peso non subirà drastiche variazioni,ma dall'altra peggio perchè io amo il cioccolato!! In molti me ne hanno parlato e penso che per chi ama il cioccolato sia un'evento quasi da non perdere, vengono fatte tantissime cose sia buone che divertenti.. Eccone un esempio..e se volete saperne di più visitate il sito..

"Il bacio piu' grande del mondo E' largo più di sette metri e alto due.E' stato realizzato da dieci maestri pasticceriPer trasportarlo è stata utilizzata una gru.
PERUGIA - Il 'Bacione' è il cioccolatino più grande del mondo e da oggi è officially entered in the Guinness Book of Records. The 'chocolate' of Perugia, Eurochocolate presented during the event taking place in Perugia, made with 3,500 pounds of chocolate and hundreds of thousands of nuts, for a total of 5,980 pounds, has a circumference of 7 meters and a 'height of 2.15 meters. From October 6, ten pastry chefs have formed for more than a thousand hours and wrapped with 35 square feet of tinfoil, with the traditional cartouche 'customized'.
Alessandro Magnoni, communications manager of Nestle Italy, commented: "We are proud to have recorded this record on the occasion of Eurochocolate and in this city that holds more than 90 years our passion for making chocolate. "city, to Magnoni," symbol of the best Italian chocolate in the world. "
The" Bacione ", delivered in Circus Square with a crane and a truck, has been admired for more than 150 thousand people. In the night between yesterday and today was then conducted by a truck in Piazza IV Novembre, site of the Guinness Book of Records, before notaries and engineers. After acknowledging the huge chocolate was rejected by 15 people who have made flakes to taste with three scales of 2.5 meters each, and tools to measure.
Andrea Zambelli, CEO of Nestle confectionery division Italy, said: "This record is further evidence of the desire to surprise and surpass that always contraddistingue Perugina".

Eurochocolate: il BaciOne è entrato ufficialmente nel Guinness dei primati. Il colosso di cioccolato prodotto dalla storica azienda Perugina, in occasione di Eurochocolate, ha sbaragliato tutti con una mole da record. Ecco i numeri: 10 i maestri pasticceri che hanno lavorato alla sua realizzazione, 1000 le ore lavorate, 35 i mq di carta argentata inconfondibile incarto del Bacio Perugina. Ed ancora 120 x 70 i centimetri che misura il cartiglio, 150.000 i visitatori che nei nove giorni di Eurochocolate hanno voluto vedere e fotografare il gigantesco Bacio. Per finire poi, con le misure certificate domenica mattina dai tecnici e dal notaio: 5.980 kg di peso, 7 metri di circonferenza, 2,15 metri di diametro, equivalente Kisses to 460,000 traditional. "

is also an accurate description of the various types of chocolate .. mmm ..

" Today, according to current legislation, we define a product consisting of chocolate cocoa nib, cocoa and cocoa powder, sucrose and cocoa butter. The total dry matter resulting from the cocoa must be at least 35%, at least 14% cocoa and cocoa butter at least 18%. In the market there exists a remarkable variety, different in taste and shape, depending on the quality and roasting of cocoa beans, the manufacturing process adopted and the taste of the country where the chocolate is product. world's largest producers of cocoa beans are the African countries, led by Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon, from which the best quality, followed by Asian countries, with Indonesia, Papua, New Guinea and Malaysia, and finally those of 'Latin America, most notably Brazil and Ecuador.Quanto higher the percentage of cocoa, the better the quality of the classic chocolate cioccolato.Oltre distinguish other types of special chocolate, whose names have a precise relationship with the percentages ingredients: CHOCOLATE

This chocolate contains only cocoa mass, cocoa butter, sugar, vanilla and sometimes lecithin (an emulsifier) \u200b\u200bin varying amounts. The percentage di cacao deve essere almeno del 45% e il burro di cacao il 28%. I migliori risultati in cucina si ottengono quando si impiega del cioccolato con un contenuto di cacao del 50%. Oltre che per essere gustato in tavolette, è adatto per torte e dessert.

Si distingue dal cioccolato fondente perché contiene una percentuale di cacao che può superare addirittura il 70% del peso.Di altissima qualità questo cioccolato è particolarmente adatto per essere consumato in tavolette.

Questo tipo di cioccolato si ottiene con l'aggiunta di latte in polvere. Più precisamente: la sostanza secca derivante dal latte deve essere almeno del 14%, il saccarosio aggiunto non più del 55%, il cacao non meno del 25% del peso. Il cioccolato a latte è caratterizzato da un sapore più dolce e cremoso rispetto al cioccolato fondente, ma non può sostituirlo nella preparazione di ricette da forno, in quanto il suo contenuto di cacao è inferiore e per questo lo si consuma soprattutto in tavolette. Quando lo si fonde occorre prestare particolare attenzione, perché è molto sensibile al calore.

Dopo l'estrazione della maggior parte del burro di cacao, il cacao residuo viene tostato e ridotto in polvere. Noto anche come cioccolato dei "pasticcieri", il cioccolato amaro si ottiene dalla miscela della pasta di cacao con burro di cacao. Non contiene zucchero né altri aromi, e il suo taste is bitter and intense. To make baked goods, 30 g of this chocolate can be replaced with 20 g and 15 g of cocoa butter, and the amount of sugar in the recipe can be adapted accordingly.

WHITE CHOCOLATE White chocolate contains no cocoa and any kind of coloring, so the technical aspect could not be called "chocolate". Obtained by mixing cocoa butter for only 20% of the weight, or milk derivatives for at least 14%, and no more than 55% sucrose. White chocolate, the more fat melting, is widely used for frosting cakes and prepare mousse, sauces and sweets. Like chocolate milk, even the white one is very heat sensitive, so be careful when it melts. We recommend that you put in a water bath white chocolate in a bowl, keeping the temperature between 110 ~ 120 ° C.

Chocolate Chips
The chocolate chips are born in the United States to make a tasty change to the traditional biscuits. They contain a lower amount of cocoa butter in chocolate may be traditional, with dark chocolate, milk or white. It is a derivative of chocolate, whose teardrop shape remains intact and therefore ideal for mixing a cake, but it can also be dissolved in water bath.

of bite-size pieces, consisting by chocolate filled with chocolate or parts (which may be of various kinds: milk chocolate, the hazelnut, white, etc..) and parts of other ingredients, as long as the chocolate pieces are partially or fully visible, while respecting the percentage set by European standards at least 25% of the total weight of the product or a mixture of chocolate (extra chocolate, milk chocolate, etc..) and other ingredients, excluding flours and starches and substances fats other than cocoa butter and fats derived from milk, provided that the parties to be chocolate at least 25% of the total weight of the product.

's fatherhood this type of chocolate is due to the cocoa torinesi.Nel 1806 had a high cost and it was difficult to supply due to the Napoleonic blockade, so some thought to mix the chocolate with cocoa, hazelnuts from Piedmont, reduced to powder. This was achieved by a combination of chocolate, delicious and cheap. The hazelnut chocolate contains about 32% of cocoa, from 20-40 g of hazelnuts per 100 g of product. It 'great to be enjoyed in tablet version chocolate with hazelnuts and hazelnut milk chocolate and hazelnut nougat. It is used to stuff and decorate cakes or you can simply enjoy a tablet. "

Its high-calorie is due to the presence of fats and sugars, however, present in many other foods. A tablet of 100 grams of dark chocolate provides extra 542 calories (565 for the milk), while a portion of 80 grams of spaghetti with tomato and basil provides about 422 calories and a slice of pie with jam average about 550. So even when following a weight loss program you can afford a small square of dark chocolate, because it amounts only to 22 calorie.Il its intense flavor and satisfying it can even pass that sweet tooth after a meal that takes us. In addition, savored before meals, a small amount of dark chocolate helps to comply with the diets. Infatti essendo subito assimilato il cioccolato invia al cervello un'immediata sensazione di sazietà particolarmente utile quando si hanno le calorie contate. Senza contare che il cioccolato presenta di fatto un indice glicemico relativamente basso, ossia innalza lo zucchero nel sangue in modo regolare, meno velocemente di alcune bevande e alimenti a base di zucchero o di amido facilmente digeribile.L’azione congiunta di burro di cacao, zucchero e latte abbia, oltre che il potere di scatenare sensazioni uniche e magari qualche effetto afrodisiaco, molte sostanze potenzialmente protettive. Tra queste, antiossidanti che contribuiscono a evitare l’ossidazione del colesterolo, processo che può portare al blocco delle arterie e alla riduzione del flusso blood, and polyphenols known as catechins, major components of tea is found in dark chocolate and chocolate milk (almost 20% of the total assumable via power line), useful for preventing cardiovascular disease, boost the immune system and reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. In the market there, though, the taste of chocolate products less energy. Surrogates are based on carob, vegetable fat, very little sugar and whey.

A recent report of 'American Medical Association showed that adolescent acne is mostly caused by hormonal factors and not consumption, sometimes excessive, the chocolate from the boys.

contrary ... cocoa powder showed a significant inhibitory effect against caries. The researchers stress of a famous institution in Boston, the Massachusetts Institute of Tecnologhy, which have shown that the tannins in cocoa can help prevent tooth decay, probably by reducing the growth of plaque.

There are many foods that can lead to intolerance, milk, wheat, peanuts, shellfish, beef, potatoes, shellfish, fish and eggs. But the chocolate is only at the last on the list and typically only 2% of people who already suffer from allergies have allergic reactions to chocolate.

CHOCOLATE increased cholesterol
The combined cocoa butter, sugar and milk, has several protettive.Tra these substances, antioxidants that help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, a process that can lead to blocking of arteries and reducing blood flow. In addition, there is no trace of cholesterol in cocoa and dark chocolate, while a pound of milk chocolate contains only 16 milligrams, the same amount for a pound of gianduiotti derived from milk, however, not the cocoa. With a cup chocolate will have about 8 milligrams cholesterol, the same quantity contained in 100 grams of yogurt, skimmed.

no coincidence that the highest consumption of chocolate is between Christmas and Easter. In fact, early winter the body requires a higher dose of magnesium than the rest of the year, and disclose the chocolate, pleasingly, a good supply.

Other than syrup: much better than a box of chocolate to cure cough. The merit of this power seems to be theobromine, a substance contained in cocoa. Usually the persistent cough, often the result virus infections is calmed with codeine, a drug derived from opium, whose side-effects (drowsiness and constipation) prevent its administration in large doses. Instead, researchers have found that by placing volunteers theobromine, the concentration of toxic substance required to cause in their cough was approximately 30% higher than with codeine. In addition, unlike traditional painkillers for cough theobromine has no harmful side effects on the cardiovascular and nervous.

CHOCOLATE makes the skin smooth as silk
It is good inside but also outside. More and more the beauty salons that use chocolate as a beauty treatment for the skin. In fact, the fat content in cocoa butter nourishes the skin, giving softness and shine.

Cocoa contains caffeine, at levels ten times lower than that of coffee, another exciting and theobromine. The two substances are present in small amounts, have the effect of mild stimulants that can still help in times of peak demand. A little dose of chocolate may be a charge for a return rate of study or work. substances contained in chocolate (theobromine, serotonin, phenylethylamine) make it a tonic and antidepressant agent, anti-stress, which allows to increase pleasant activities, including making love. The chocolate acts as a catalyst facilitating the production of endorphins. Endorphins are substances produced by the pituitary peptide and have the function of neurotransmitter: Thanks to a narcotic similar to morphine, decreased pain sensitivity and stimulates feelings of euphoria. One hundred grams of chocolate contains about 1 mg. of phenylethylamine, a substance similar effects to LSD, the brain produces naturally desire to circumstances and probably even during sexual arousal.

And after all these positive information about chocolate a little bit we can not eat well?
I love chocolate and the hazelnut milk .. Which you prefer?
Well, now with the Aquolina I greet you in the mouth ..

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Free Masterbation Games

Mi presento

Hello, my name is Silvia, I am twenty years old and a student at the second year of radiology at Empoli. I live in Prato, where I attended the Liceo Scientifico N. Copernicus. The choice of the university was traumatic, I had not the faintest idea what to do ... I was interested to 'the health area, but the faculty of Medicine was too long a path to take, so I decided to choose between the three-year degrees. After careful selection I opted for Obstetrics, Physiotherapy and radiographers. With my "usual luck" got back in the third choice: TRMIR, and not only (!) in the seat farthest. Initially I was desperate, but then I found some very nice people and an environment in which they now dearly.
Many have suggested that I request a transfer to another location (see Florence and Prato), but right now, frankly, would never do that especially for the relationships that have developed.
Greetings to all TRMIR and visitors of my blog and a big Good luck for this new year.